Tag: GPy

Moduino ESP32 controller now powered with Pycom modules

New base platforms for Moduino device Revised version of TECHBASE’s Moduino edge controller offers now support and compatibility with wide range of Pycom’s compute modules with built-in communication interfaces, e.g. LoRa, Sigfox, NarrowBand-IoT / LTE cat. M1/NB1 and WiFi/BT4.2, similarly to standard Moduino devices, powered by Espressif’s ESP32-WROVER module. With new Moduino platform you can […]

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ESP32 Modbus TCP Master

Welcome to the series of configuration instructions for ModBerry and Moduino ESP32 devices. In this class, you will program ESP32 processor to be Modbus TCP Master. We will use two devices, which contain this processor: Moduino ESP32 and Pycom. Both devices are running in MicroPytthon environment. Our ESP32 Modbus Slave will be PC computer with Modbus simulator software running on it. You will need: […]

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