Cost-effective & WIRELESS
EDGE Converter is a lightweight CAN to Wi-Fi data converter for simple and transparent data transfer, equipped with latest ESP32 compute module, wide range of serial, digital and analog inputs/outputs and wireless communication interfaces. This cost effective solution is perfect for end-point devices.
Supported OS & SOFTWARE
Use of ESP32-WROVER-B compute module adds the support for real-time operating systems (compared to most Raspberry Pi based Linux and Windows OS versions), and openness of the Espressif’s platform to Moduino industrial automation controller. Thanks to enormous community of ESP32 and Arduino users and developers, the Moduino can now adapt existing software solutions, tools and programming environments, for example:
- Arduino (C++)
- MicroPython
- ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework)
- Zephyr Project (scalable RTOS)
- Mongoose OS, etc.